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Sport ARF Models

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Seagull Tempest 15cc

The Tempest was designed to be the perfect low wing trainer with beginner/intermediate flyer in mind. 81" constant chord span makes for good visibility and low wing loading, and the trike gear easy ground handling. This model is a sitter for the OS75AX or 95AX.

Normally $459 - Firebrands Price $419!

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Seagull LW Sport 46/55

Very popular 46 size low wing trainer/sport model and a great price!

60" span, trike gear and colour scheme make for a great 1st low wing model.

Normally $419 - Firebrands Price $369!

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Phoenix Models 46/55 Dolphin Mk2

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The Dolphin Mk2 ARF is the perfect size 46/55 size low wing sport model. High vis scheme is a real plus.

Technical data

- Wingspan: 63"

- Engine: .46-.55 / 2-stroke or .52/4-stroke glow engine (not included)


- Designed for compatibility with both GP and EP flight

- Removable top hatch

- High-quality hardware package included

Normally $585 - Top Deal $495!

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Phoenix Models Scanner 46

A reputable brand model doesn't have to break the Bank! Great reports on this little model (one customer purchased 2, he loved the 1st so much!). 56.8" span and an OS 46AX is a perfect match!

Normally $359 - Top Deal $319!

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